TWO Emmy Nominations!!!



Hit and Run History and Through My Eyes each receive an Emmy nomination!

On the evening of April 30, 2013, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences – New England Chapter announced nominations for the 2013 Emmy Awards. In the category for Interstitial Video, two of the seven nominees were joint productions of the Cape Cod Community Media Center and WGBH-Boston.

“Skipping School”, an episode from elementary education travel series, Through My Eyes, was filmed in Hong Kong. The hosts, Ava and Sofie, ages 7 and 8, explored the bakeries of the city, and then are invited to join in with rope skipping teens at a local high school.

Credits: Jennifer Sexton- Creator, Writer & Director, Sofie E. Buckley & Ava Hischak – hosts, Jay Sheehan – Audio Engineer, Andrew Giles Buckley, Producer.

“7,377 Miles from Home” is the first in Hit and Run History‘s Falklands series. On the trail of the Columbia Expedition — the first American voyage ’round the world — the Gumshoe Historians of Hit and Run History head down to the disputed islands deep in the South Atlantic. In this episode, the crew demonstrates how very remote the Falklands are, with footage from two days of travel punctuated with an ongoing interview with Samantha Addison of the Falklands Islands Radio Service.

Credits: Andrew Giles Buckley – Creator, Producer & Director, Jay Sheehan – Production Manager & Audio Engineer, T. Kane Stanton & Kyanna Sutton – Videography & Stills.

Aside from the other five nominees in the Interstitial category, this pits Cape Cod’s two globetrotting travel girls of Through My Eyes against the scrappy band of Cape Cod filmmakers, Hit and Run History. Who will win out?

The full list of nominations for 2013 is available at the New England Emmy site.

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